A Pile of Dog Bones

“In each of us two natures are at war… the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, but one of them must conquer. In our own hands lies the power to choose. What we want most to be we are.” – Dr. Henry Jekyll

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday Smorgashboard Edition 3

Once again for Sunday I have compiled a list of things going on in my part of the blogosphere...
  • It's nice to know that Greg is a concerned citizen. He joins the many others out there who will call 911 with the more interesting sightings... which usually lead to the more interesting calls. Thanks Greg for keeping us interested.
  • The Mass Transit Surfing Subway Blogger had a story about a disabled man calling 911 to get out of the subway. One small footnote on it... a gurney is called a stretcher and those are NEVER used on stairs. In all likelihood, if the stairchair wasn't used then it was a backboard. No one ever said the smoke eating rubber ducks were smart.
  • The guest post debut of HATE happened over at IT2M. Personally... I'm all about the lube.
  • It turns out that the Christmas Queen is allergic to, of all things, Christmas Trees. She had 5 other weird things about her... but that one just hit me like a fuckton of irony would.
  • It turns out that Red Betty has been touched in more ways than the stories of TomKat by the Church of Scientology. The mothership is picking her up on Wednesday.
  • There was a lot of talk about giving thanks... although I think Tori had probably the best Thanksgiving. TiVo rules.
  • Ever wonder who has the greatest gaming tattoo around? Well it turns out that Newsbitch's tattoo from WOW got ranked 23. Yeah... the judge obviously is stuck playing Nintendo 64 and has had his eyesight impaired by the pixels... it shoulda made the top 5 at least.
  • Melanie decided it was time to end a long time affair. I'm happy for her... I just say stay away from those Fudge'em things... they're really kinda gross.
  • It has been confirmed that Miss Britt is related to Avitable. She also has plans for world domination.
  • Great news from The World of Chad. You can now become a citizen and don't even need to take a test. Illegals all over are flocking to his site... so if you want a spot you better hurry up before they vote Espanol the official language of the world.
  • Poor Monique had a close encounter with parents trying to be cool. There really needs to be a law against that or something.
  • The most important news is the launch announcement of what may become THE BLOG OF THE YEAR. The person who had the scoop, the beautiful and intelligent Miss Ann Thrope, happened to delete all her archives and the initial announcement was lost... but she wuvs me so she put the announcement back. I heart her SO much... and you better too or I'll break your legs.
Yeah... so that's what goes on in my blogosphere. Some people may be wondering why some of these sites aren't in my blogroll. The fact is, I'm lazy as fuck and do a lot of reading through Bloglines. So yeah... my secret's out... I'm blogroll update lazy.


Posted by New York City's Watchdog :: 11/26/2006 02:43:00 AM :: :: 7 Bones Added to the Pile

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