A Pile of Dog Bones

“In each of us two natures are at war… the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, but one of them must conquer. In our own hands lies the power to choose. What we want most to be we are.” – Dr. Henry Jekyll

Friday, July 28, 2006

Honoring Thy Tenant and The Friday Drama Update

So it is once again Friday. It's that time yet once again to pay homage to my tenant Useless Men. I appreciate him staying here this week, because seeing just how Useless he is makes me feel better about myself. Joke... that's a joke. Har-har. Seriously, if you want a good chuckle, go see the Useless Men. They're really not all the Useless because they sure can make you laugh!


So now for the weekly Drama update. Let's start with The Nick. Well she owed me something. I finally got it, no thanks to The Canuck. However... I am EXTREMELY happy with it. In fact, it is better than what I had hoped for and blew away what I had gotten from The Steff (it's really the same thing with very very very minor differences). Wanna see it? Nope. Not yet at least. Maybe if your REALLY good one day, I'll share. The Nick also had a date with some other guy who is apparently replacing Goldberg. Reportedly this guy is a great kisser... which is all fine and dandy I guess... but we all know Dogs give the best kisses. I give this guy until September 1.

As for The Steff... well her and The Donkey are celebrating their 3 month anniversary today. Someone gag me with a spoon. One of her friends had a run-in with Officer Crumb. She relayed the story to me, which includes her supposed friend running at the mouth about everything she's doing. She was mildly pissed. I was extremely enraged. The absolute last thing she needs is this jack-off waking up and realizing what he lost and now trying to get it back. I'm not having it... and it has nothing to do with the fact The Donkey is my friend. It has to do with the fact that The Steff is my friend and I won't tolerate this asshole putting her into the fetal postion crying again. I'll break his friggin' legs.

Finally is The Pudding. So she decided to join the growing horde that is MySpace. Of course, I added her as a friend (I'm up to like 64! Wow am I popular huh?) and of course she totally forgot that this weekend is Ozzfest which led I am extremely psyched about. Needless to say, she of course wanted me to Wolf Watch Saturday which I just can't do... so now she's being pissy. I'm trying really hard to allow the grief and aggravation to roll off my back... and so far her pissyness has... but I know some tragedy is going to be happening on Saturday. Tough shitsky as we say in Brighton Beach.

That's all there is this week. I know it seems the drama has slowed down a bit... but it is summer... and I have been working on other stuff so I don't get involved as much as I do. Once I get bored with everything else... well you can rest assured the drama will be back with a vengeance.
Posted by New York City's Watchdog :: 7/28/2006 01:34:00 AM :: :: 0 Bones Added to the Pile

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