A Pile of Dog Bones

“In each of us two natures are at war… the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, but one of them must conquer. In our own hands lies the power to choose. What we want most to be we are.” – Dr. Henry Jekyll

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ooogle Monday... Why Am I NOT The King Of Porn???

I'll be honest. I am a very humble person. I hate being singled out and praised for something I've done or said. This is an exception. So apprently there is a blog award contest going on over at It's My Kitchen And I'll Throw Knives If I Want To. So a bunch of bloggers got nominated for a bunch of awards in a variety of categories. One of the categories is... King of Porn. I would think I should be a shoe in for this considering my loyalty to my readers every Ooogle Monday.


Not one of you ungrateful bastards could nominate me for an award I so clearly am deserving of. Instead, and this isn't a swipe at him because I also read him and am a fan, Mr. Fab got nominated. Even Billy got left out of that mix and not for nothing, but I've gotten better porn from my ex-wife's girlfriend than I have from Mr. Fab. So while I was there today voting for the person who unknowingly tipped me off about the whole thing... I voted for myself. I truly suggest ya'll do the same especially since I am in a serious drama drought and my quest to become King of All Drama may be in jeopardy. Oh and while you're there... vote for choice number 2 in the "Blogger So Sweet It Gives You A Headache" category too. Go vote now...

Now since that has been said, noted, and linked... on to the Ooogle...

And since I am a red-blooded male...
So who's the King of Porn now???

EDIT: Okay, as per Monique's request (and in an obvious quest for votes), I will open up for requests. Ladies, since every guy I think is hot obviously isn't then please provide me with some names. Just keep in mind that if I post George Clooney one more time he may take out a restraining order on me. So here, for Monique, is Chris "I bagged Katie Holmes before Alien Tom assimilated her" Klein...

Posted by New York City's Watchdog :: 10/08/2006 11:01:00 PM :: :: 7 Bones Added to the Pile

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