A Pile of Dog Bones

“In each of us two natures are at war… the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, but one of them must conquer. In our own hands lies the power to choose. What we want most to be we are.” – Dr. Henry Jekyll

Friday, December 02, 2005

Santa Puuuullllleeeeeaaaaasssssssseeeee....

Dear Santa,

Well... I think I've been really good this year. At no time did I physically come to blows with my ex-wife, I did not quit my job, no harm came to anyone relatively important to myself or anyone else in my life, I did not do copious amounts of drugs or consume incredible amounts of alcohol (well, not yet anyway), and I even gave up 2 months of city living to slosh through the south during Hurricane Season.

So... since I've been so very good... how about the The 360 degree LED television for under the tree this year? That would look awesome with the XBox 360. Do we see the "360" connection? Yes... I think this year you need to do me right!!! Thanks... and I promise this year I won't stomp a mudhole in any of your elves asses when they decide to go to sleep on my park bench from the eggnog.

-Big Bad Doggy Outside The Window
Posted by New York City's Watchdog :: 12/02/2005 01:26:00 PM :: :: 0 Bones Added to the Pile

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